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Invested Central Market Close

Your post-market preparations will be on the money every trading day with this total package of technical and fundamental analysis, special reports on mortgages, foreign currency, and financial tools you can use to trade smarter. The Invested Central team take you around the financial world in 80 seconds with the Flash Business Briefing at the top of the show. Don't miss the ever-popular lightning round for instant analysis of your stocks by the experts. Seize every trading day with John and Tom.

John S. Hopkins, Jr.
Founder of Invested Central,long-time host and guest on financial talk radio. John has been involved in the stock market for three decades Mr. Hopkins financial know-how has been used by hundreds of companies. This vital information now has national and global reach with "The Invested Central Financial Hour"

Tom Bowley has realized his passion for active trading in the stock market. As a key member of the Invested Central braintrust Bowley developed a proprietary trading methodology that has proven to significantly outperform the NASDAQ index over the past twenty four years while reducing investing risk by nearly 50%. With a zeal powered by technical trading prowess Tom teaches others to make informed investment and trading decisions.

Jack Steiman is quickly gaining a reputation as the "best stock market trader on the planet." As a partner in Invested Central, Jack brings a wealth of experience to listeners, having attained exceptional personal returns trading stocks. Jack is a no nonsense educator who loves teaching individuals how to become better informed, independent and successful stock market traders. You will truly enjoy Jack's straight talking, unmatched approach.

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